A loan helped to buy wicker, paint, and iron, and to pay the electric bill, etc.

Kevin Alexander's story

Kevin Alexander is 21 years old and single and lives in his parents' house. They live in Montecristi, which is known for its handicrafts made with "toquilla" [a palm-like plant] fiber, wicker, "piquigua" [a tropical plant with fiber used for weaving], and wood. This includes hats made with toquilla fiber, known as the "Panama Hat" and recognized across the country and outside of it.

Kevin Alexander is an artisan who makes a variety of items for the home in wicker like chairs, dining sets, rocking chairs, and hanging chairs, as well as special requests. He works from Monday to Saturday in the workshop.

He makes his sales at home, via WhatsApp, on social networks, and from orders from his customers who buy the merchandise on credit and are charged weekly.

This loan is to buy wicker, paint, and iron, and to pay the electric bill, etc. His dream is to have many sales and for his family to have good health.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alix F.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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