A loan helped to buy food supplies to prepare lunches for sale, and natural straw shawls, dyes, paintbrushes, etc.

Asuncion Del Carmen's story

Asuncion Del Carmen and her family live in Montecristi, a beautiful place with hard-working, kind people with ancestral traditions, skilled with their hands, making handicrafts out of toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua, and wood. They specialize in making fine hats out of toquilla straw, recognized throughout the country and beyond.

Asuncion Del Carmen is a great woman who helps her husband with household expenses. They are artisans and like to make a variety of products out of toquilla straw, such as very colourful baby rattles, baskets, bags, purses, and hats in their free time, which they deliver to customers' orders inside and outside the city.

She also takes advantage of the fact that she knows how to cook, and prepares delicious lunches to sell, which she delivers to homes.

This loan is to buy groceries for making lunches, natural toquilla straw, dye colours, paintbrushes, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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