Abigail takes action to affect change in Ghana
July 14, 2019
Like so many others in Ghana, Abigail got a loan for her provisions shop. Like so many others, she wanted to buy products that increased her profit so she could make more money. She was trying to save enough money to enroll in university. Okay, so the last part is a bit different. But that’s just one of the many qualities that make Abigail unique.
Abigail's story involves broken homes, dreams of helping kids, perseverance, faith and unparalleled determination.
Abigail grew up in a broken home and doesn't want any other children to experience what she went through. At the age of 18, she started identifying kids in her community in turbulent home situations like hers. She began supporting and caring for these kids daily, even inviting some to live in her home with her.
Abigail attended one semester of university shortly after high school, but afterward decided to dedicate her money and efforts solely to the kids. She used her money to pay for their food, housing, healthcare, school materials, and clothing. Now at 24 years old, Abigail cares for 18 children – 10 that live in her rented home and 8 that live in the community. Her provision shop has allowed her to pay for items the children need, to save up for a larger house and to afford tuition to attend a nearby university on the weekends.

Through perseverance, Abigail found a larger, lovely home with its own compound where there's plenty of room for the children to live and play. During my Kiva Fellowship, I visited both homes and the difference is dramatic – the kids will be thrilled!

Abigail is also starting up classes again at the University in a few short weeks.
Last year she held a community fundraiser with some success. The community helps her out in other small ways, including offering food and produce from their farms. Abigail also serves as a pastor in the community.

How are the children doing? The oldest, who has been with Abigail for 6 years, is 22 and just started nursing school. Her next oldest, who has been with her for 5 years, began teacher training college last year. The others that live with Abigail also attend school. The handmade signs around Abigail's home encourage the kids to "Speak English." She is determined to give them the best fresh start possible in life.
Like so many others, Abigail wants to see Ghanaians step up and out of poverty. But what sets her apart is the action she takes every day to ensure that happens – one child at a time.
Click here to make a loan to a Ghanaian like Abigail.
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