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Masterful Mujeres: 3 Entrepreneurial Colombian Women
May 11, 2016
After visiting over 20 Kiva borrowers throughout Colombia, I have met many different people – young, experienced, women, men, city-dwellers, rural farmers, and so on. Although each one of my visits has been unique, one thing remains constant: every borrower I have met has been impressively entrepreneurial and tenacious. I leave every visit feeling inspired and humbled not only by what the borrowers have achieved and overcome, but also by their motivations for becoming entrepreneurs.
Below are three of many remarkable Colombian entrepreneurs who work with Interactuar, a Kiva Partner in Colombia.
Luz from Caicedo, Colombia
A 36-year-old single mother of two, Luz runs a sewing business out of her home in Caicido, a neighborhood located in the hills of Medellín. Originally from the Pacific Coast, Luz was one of many people who were internally displaced due to exceptional violence in the 80s. With impressive resilience, she began her sewing business in Medellín seven years ago to provide for her two teenage children and 8-year-old nephew. Her dream is to eventually purchase a home for her family.

Olga from La Iguaná, Medellín, Colombia

Olga is a 59-year-old widowed mother of six with a heart of gold and impeccable business acumen. In addition to her business selling clothes, Olga also helps run a fritanga (fast-food business that sells traditional fried foods such as arepas) and rents out four rooms in her neighborhood. She uses these businesses to support her children, her live-in brother who has a neurodevelopmental disorder, and her dog, Mono (pictured below).

Noralba from La Dorada, Colombia

Noralba is an incredibly warm mother of three who runs three businesses in rural Colombia. Upon my arrival with her loan officer, she first made sure that we had tinto (traditional Colombian black coffee) and then was more than willing to explain her businesses to us. She caters lunches, raises chickens, and sells tamales. When I asked her how long she’s worked in these businesses, she said “47 years. I’ve been working like this in the countryside my whole life.” Never learning fully how to read and write herself, Noralba is ensuring that her children receive a good education. When I asked to take her photo, she agreed - as long as we all took a photo together after (pictured below).

Aside from their incredible drive and resilience, these women exercise extraordinary compassion that translates into benefits for their communities and families as well as their personal economic wellbeing.
To support more Interactuar entrepreneurs like these remarkable women, click here!
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