Video Blog: ODEF’s First Kiva Borrower
October 19, 2011
By Sandra Pina, KF16, Honduras
For the past six weeks I have been working in San Pedro Sula with Kiva’s newest Honduran Field Partner, ODEF Financiera, S.A. During the on-boarding process, I get to witness many of the organization’s “Kiva firsts.” First Kiva presentation to staff, first training sessions with loan officers, first Kiva Borrower profile, first month of repayment reporting – you get the idea.
About a week ago, ODEF posted it’s first borrower profile on Doña María owns a pulpería in Naco-Santa Barbara where she sells soda, snacks, and dairy products. Her $550 loan was fully funded in 2 days, 22 hours and 9 minutes.
Ever wonder what it takes to get a borrower profile onto Kiva? Check out the footage below to see how ODEF tackled its first one.
Sandra Pina (KF16) works with ODEF Financiera in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Join ODEF’s Lending Team and lend to an ODEF borrower!
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