Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander

A loan of $1,325 helps to buy wicker, iron, paints, to pay for electricity and other tools.

Kevin Alexander

Kevin Alexander's story

Kevin Alexander and his family live in Montecristi which is known for handicrafts made out of "toquilla" fibre, (a palm like plant), wicker, "piquigua" (a tropical plant ) and wood; this includes splendid hats made from toquilla fibre know throughout the country and overseas as the "Panamá Hat". Kevin Alexander learned to do a variety of jobs and the manufacture of tables, chairs, hanging chairs and special orders. He works to order, from Monday to Saturday. He makes deliveries within the city and outside of prepaid orders to meet his customers requirements. His workshop is at home together with his family who are wicker artisans. He sells his products on Social Networks and on WhatsApp. This loan is to buy wicker, iron, paints, to pay for electricity and other tools.

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Kevin Alexander's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerNic Couldrey. View original language description.

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