Jesús Sacramentado Group
A loan of $2,600 helps a member to buy pants, shirts, t-shirts and underwear.
Jesús Sacramentado Group's story
This is the Jesus Sacramentado Group from Jinotepe, Nicaragua which is in its 13th cycle. The group consists of eight members who are known for their good credit rating. The main businesses they have are sales of clothing, food, cosmetics and nacatamales.
Gissel Jusmaris (wearing a yellow top and gray pants) is 23 years old, single and has a son. Two people live in her home. For six years she has been selling clothing and enjoys her business because it has helped her get ahead.
The challenges she faces in her business are the rising cost of products and customers who buy on credit and do not pay their debt.
She will use the loan to buy pants, shirts, t-shirts and underwear.
Her dreams and hopes for the future are to have her own clothing shop. She recommends to women that they take advantage of the help offered by Pro-Mujer with the loans so they can invest in their businesses and earn more profit.
Please give her your support so she can prosper!
In this group: Dora Maria , Maykol Jose , Xiomara Del Carmen , Danelia Patricia , Maria Isabel , Neyling Del Carmen , Martha Azucena , Gissel Jusmaris
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerSherry Bess. View original language description.