Last week we welcomed our 25th Kiva Fellows class to the office for training. Fellows Week is always one of the most exciting weeks at the office and this time around proved no different. Our next class, KF25, is made up of 37 fellows and represents our most internationally diverse cohort ever, with representatives from 16 countries. Fellows Weeks is a whirlwind of activity, you can read a new fellow’s account here.
As they leave for their assignments in the field over the next week we wish them the best of luck – it’s an adventure of a lifetime they’re embarking on!
Check out some of our favorite photos from training week below and if you’re interested in learning more about the Kiva Fellows Program click here.
The Kiva Zip team gathers for a training session.
Kiva Jeopardy is always a fellows favorite.
We promise it's not all lectures, information sessions and quizzes.
Exploring San Francisco with some out-of-the-office events.
Fellows pin their photos to our world map!
Welcome KF25!

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