We are thrilled to announce the Kiva debut of Cooperativa San José, our third active field partner in Ecuador. Cooperativa San José posted their first 15 loans this morning – unfortunately, their clients are so popular that I wasn’t able to finish this blog entry before every one was 100% funded! See the already-funded loans here, and check back soon for more loans.
San José is a savings and loan cooperative with a strong social focus that works primarily in rural areas of the Ecuadorian Andes. The 45-year-old cooperative operates primarily in hard-to-reach areas of Bolivar province, offering savings and loan products to many borrowers who would not otherwise have access to financial services. San José’s mission is “to offer high-quality financial services and products in order to fulfill the needs of our members and clients while contributing to progress and the wellbeing of Ecuadorian families.”
Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Cooperativa San José! We look forward to sharing their stories and supporting their borrowers. While waiting for more San José loans to be posted, you can read a blog entry from Kiva Fellow Josh Wilcox, currently on the ground in San José de Chimbo, Ecuador.
Kiva Climbs the Ecuadorian Andes to Team Up With Its Newest Field Partner →NEXT ARTICLE
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